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儿童与家庭服务中心 is a community mental health clinic, where we provide psychoeducational assessment 和 counseling to adults, 孩子们, 和家庭. We also provide consultation to schools 和 other 年龄ncies in the communities surrounding Alfred. Clinical services are provided by master’s 和 doctoral 学生 under the supervision of licensed mental health counselors 和 psychologists who are 教员 in the Counseling 和 School Psychology graduate programs.




对于儿童,我们提供个人、家庭和团体治疗.  对于年幼的孩子,我们提供游戏治疗.  We offer counseling regarding behavioral 和 attentional problems in 孩子们. 

儿童及成人均可, 我们提供关于情绪或焦虑问题的咨询, 关系和调整问题, 以及压力管理.  We are not able to offer psychiatric treatment or medication man年龄ment. 


We conduct psychoeducation assessments for 学生 年龄s 3 through 21 regarding learning difficulties, 注意缺陷多动障碍, 的社会性问题, 以及自闭症谱系障碍. 


因为我们是孩子 family center, we involve parents in the services we provide for their 孩子们.  This means that parents may meet regularly with a clinician while their child is receiving individual counseling, 或者父母和孩子一起接受家庭咨询.  有了父母的帮助, we develop a better underst和ing of their 孩子们 和 are able to offer suggestions to help 孩子们 be more successful. 



We value the differences 和 similarities among people 和 respect the varied identities of clients 和 communities with whom we work.  儿童与家庭服务中心 does not discriminate of the basis of race, 种族, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 信条, 年龄, 残疾, 性取向, 性别, 性别认同, 性别表达, 家族的地位, 怀孕, 易感遗传特征, 军人或退伍军人身份, 家庭暴力受害者身份, criminal conviction or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. 


All services are provided in a confidential manner with respect to your personal information.


像大多数专业人士一样,我们提供收费服务.  However, we have a sliding fee schedule based upon income 和 the family size.  有医疗补助或儿童健康附加保险的人不需要付费.  In general, no one will be turned away simply because of an inability to pay. 




街道地址: 纽约州阿尔弗雷德市塞尔斯街6号,邮编14802

For more information about the CFSC or to schedule an appointment, call us at 607-871-2229 or 电子邮件我们.

Lea R. 鲍威尔儿童和家庭研究所

Lea R. 鲍威尔儿童和家庭研究所 is an organizing entity for the research, 培训, 和 service missions of the Division of Counseling 和 School Psychology. 鲍威尔研究所于1994年在鲍威尔夫人的资助下成立. Lea Rood 鲍威尔. 夫人. 鲍威尔和她的丈夫阿瑟. 鲍威尔, k8彩乐园app官网下载校董会主席(1989-1995), have been dedicated 和 generous supporters of multiple Alfred University campus projects. 研究所的永久地点于2002年建立, 通过在儿童和家庭服务中心增建一个建筑. 这个扩建的设施为研究所所长提供了办公空间, 鲍威尔心理学和学校教育教授, 中国金融服务委员会主任, 和 research 和 program operation facilities for Institute grant projects.  它还包括韦尔特图书馆, a resource library of therapeutic 和 reference materials for school psychology faculty, 学生, 以及专业人士. 研究所还为各司的讨论会提供了一个场所, 类, 以及研究生的研究和学习.

Lea R的任务. 鲍威尔 Institute is to support 和 exp和 the Alfred University Division of Counseling 和 School Psychology's programs 和 activities that effect positive change in the lives of 孩子们 和家庭. 作为达到这个目的的手段, the Institute provides support for the 儿童及家庭服务中心, seeks 和 administers grants that provide external funding for research 和 培训 activities of the division, 和 provides opportunities for the continuing professional development of 学生, 教员, 以及当地学校和心理健康专家.  These activities are conducted through the Institute components described below.


儿童与家庭服务中心 is a community mental health clinic on the Alfred University campus. The CFSC is located in a historic building that was formerly the Pi Alpha Pi sorority house. 它附属于鲍威尔研究所的新翼.  作为研究生的培训诊所, the CFSC provides assessment 和 intervention services to the individuals, 家庭, 以及阿尔弗雷德周围社区的学校.


The 鲍威尔发展计划 coordinates external funding initiatives to support the research of faculty 和 培训 of 学生 in the Division of Counseling 和 School Psychology. 通过开发项目, 研究所积极寻求赠款以支持学生培训, 教师和学生的研究, 和 school 和 年龄ncy programs that benefit 孩子们 和家庭 in our community. 联邦, 状态, 和 private grant funded programs 和 activities are administered 和 man年龄d through the Development Program.

The Institute also provides research grants to individuals conducting research related to the problems of 孩子们 和家庭 through the Development program. Grants are awarded to Alfred University doctoral 学生 eng年龄d in applied research, 和 practicing school 和 mental health professionals interested in conducting field research. Information pertaining to grant application procedures can be obtained through the director of the Institute.


Advanced 培训 for rural school 和 mental health professionals is provided through Institute partnerships with other universities 和 community based 年龄ncies. 该研究所是家庭服务协会的培训伙伴, which sponsors continuing professional development workshops for area school 和 mental health professionals. This partnership allows the Institute to provide free admittance to the workshops for 学生 和 Division of Counseling 和 School Psychology field placement supervisors. The Institute also provides the setting for specialized 培训 workshops offered by community 年龄ncies 和 other universities.

有关鲍威尔研究所的更多信息,请联系 Dr. 林恩·奥康奈尔,临时主任,在 607-871-2793.