Who is Most at Risk? Where are Hot Spots?

Every athlete was at risk of being hazed. Some athletes, however, were at higher risk than were others. Using chi-square analysis, 我们以99%的置信度确定了最有可能被欺侮加入球队的运动员. 他们是:

  • 男性
  • 非希腊语
  • Swimmers or divers
  • 足球运动员
  • Lacrosse players
  • In the east or south
  • On a rural campus
  • On a residential campus
  • On a campus with a Greek system
  • In a state with no anti-hazing law

已经学会了, 在一般情况下, which athletes were most likely to be hazed, we then analyzed the risk by category of athletes. 结果是:

Type of behavior

在本报告的早些时候,我们根据严重程度将入会行为分为四组. 下面我们描述了运动员在每个严重程度上的风险最大.

Unacceptable Initiation

运动员最容易受到不可接受的入会活动的影响, regardless of the involve男人t of alcohol, 是:

  • 男人
  • swimmers, divers, 足球运动员 or water polo players
  • students at southern or midwestern institutions

Alcohol-Related Initiation

Athletes most at risk of being subjected to alcohol-related initiation, but not other unacceptable initiation activities, 是:

  • 女性 (6)
  • 长曲棍球运动员
  • students at eastern or western institutions

Questionable Initiation

Athletes most at risk of being subjected to questionable, but not unacceptable, initiation activities 是:

  • 足球运动员
  • students at campuses in the south or west

Acceptable Initiation


  • 女性
  • members of a Greek organization
  • members of track, fencing, or tennis teams
  • students at midwestern or western 城市, commuter campuses

当我们仔细研究那些参与与酒精有关的入会活动的运动员时,会发现不同的情况, specifically alcohol on recruit男人t visits and drinking contests, regardless of their involve男人t in other types of behavior.

Alcohol on Recruit男人t

Athletes most at risk of consuming alcohol on recruit男人t 是:

  • 我司 scholarship athletes
  • members of swimming, diving, lacrosse, 足球, or 足球 teams
  • 在没有反欺侮法的东部各州,农村和寄宿校园的学生


女性比男性更有可能参与可接受的启蒙活动:参加季前赛练习, 采取宣誓, keeping a higher GPA, doing volunteer work, completing a ropes course, 为团队活动盛装打扮,并参与其他团队建设活动. 绳索课程(一种专业设计的户外挑战课程)或团队旅行表现出最大的反差:43%的女性和29%的男性.

女性参加一些入会活动的可能性和男性一样或几乎一样, as shown on the table below.

Initiation Activities with Comparable 男性/女 Participation Rates
Initiation Activities 男性 (n) (n) 总计 (n)
Participating in calisthenics not related to a sport 14% 125 11% 127 13% 253
Associating with specific people, not others 12% 101 11% 124 11% 226
Acting as personal servant to players off the field, court 10% 85 8% 95 9% 181
Depriving oneself of food, sleep, or hygiene 7% 56 8% 85 7% 141
Consuming extremely spicy/disgusting concoctions 8% 69 5% 60 6% 129
Participating in drinking contests 35% 302 34% 387 35% 693
Making prank calls or harassing others 12% 105 8% 91 10% 197
Engaging in or simulating sexual acts 7% 64 5% 52 6% 116

对于其他活动,男女之间存在明显差异. 男性始终比女性更容易受到任何一种有问题或不可接受的活动的影响, except wearing embarrassing clothing. Men were notably more likely than 女性 to be yelled, 被诅咒的, or sworn at as part of their initiation.

妇女遭受毁坏或偷窃财产等不可接受行为的可能性比男子小得多, beating up others, being tied up or taped, being confined in small places, 被打, 殴打, kidnapped or transported and abandoned.

Initiation Activities with Dissimilar 男性/女 Participation Rates
Initiation Activities 男性877 女1142 总计2027
Wearing embarrassing clothing 22% 33% 29%
Being yelled, 被诅咒的, or sworn at 38% 25% 31%
Consuming alcohol on recruit男人t visits 42% 39% 42%
Participating in a drinking contest 35% 34% 35%
Destroying or stealing property 11% 5% 7%
Being tied up, taped, or confined in small space 8% 3% 5%
Being paddled, whipped, 殴打, kicked, beating others 5% 1% 3%

Sports: Swimmers or divers and lacrosse, 足球, 足球, 与其他运动员相比,曲棍球和水球运动员更有可能遭受更多的可疑和不可接受的启蒙活动.

足球是唯一一项在运动员中反应率相对较低的运动. 做出回应的橄榄球运动员报告说,他们在其他大学团体中的欺侮行为水平高于自己所在大学的运动队. 仍然, 足球运动员更有可能参与大多数不可接受的入会活动和可疑的活动, but not the alcohol-related activities.

总的来说,田径运动员、击剑运动员和高尔夫运动员受到干扰的可能性要小得多. 除了, 越野, 篮球, 划船, 网球运动员与酒精和其他不可接受的活动的关系也明显减少.

Percentage of Student Athletes by Sport and Initiation Activity (PDF format - will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 阅读).

Percentage of Student Athletes by Sport and Initiation Activity
NCAA Div. %窘迫 % 总计 Population
我司 41 42
第二部 22 21
第三部门 37 37

希腊和其他校园组织:虽然本研究不关注希腊的入会仪式, 每位运动员都被问及他或她是否是联谊会组织的成员,以及校园里是否有联谊会系统. Based upon reported behavior, 这项研究发现,非希腊运动员最容易受到运动员欺侮. 这项研究还发现,希腊运动员比非希腊运动员更有可能报告他们只参加了可接受的入会仪式. 然而, 校园中存在的联谊会系统与大学运动员的可疑和不可接受的入会活动高度相关.

In comparing athletic hazing to hazing by other groups, we relied upon respondents who identified themselves as hazing victims, 与那些参与欺侮行为的人相比,这是一个非常小的群体. 需要进一步的研究来澄清各种大学组织的各种学生团体成员中欺侮的普遍性.

The survey showed that some students were hazed by more than one group. 运动员们被问到:1)他们是否曾经在大学体育运动中被欺负过,2)他们是否曾经在另一个群体中被欺负过. 20%的学生运动员报告说他们在大学里被欺负过,其中:

  • 12 percent reported that teammates hazed them
  • 12 percent reported that members of non-athletic groups hazed them
  • 4%的人报告说,他们的队友和非体育团体的成员都欺负过他们

运动员被队友欺负的频率和被兄弟会欺负的频率一样高, sororities or other groups. So even though it has received far less attention, 加入大学球队的欺侮行为可能和加入其他组织的欺侮行为一样普遍, including fraternities and sororities.

年龄在20 - 39岁之间的教练和管理人员比其他任何一组受访者都更有可能在加入运动队时受到欺侮, 而40岁及以上的教练和管理人员更有可能报告被另一组人欺负. 这是否意味着欺侮行为的长期趋势还有待进一步研究.

地域差异:与酒精有关的欺侮在东部、农村、住宿校园最常见. 只参与可接受的入会活动的运动员主要来自中西部和西部, 城市, commuter campuses. 仍然, 不可接受的活动在南部或中西部校园更为普遍,而可疑的活动更有可能发生在南部或西部校园.

(6)而参与欺侮活动的女性总体上较少, if 女性 did participate in hazing, it was more likely to be alcohol-related.