
支持对抗疗法 & osteopathic methodologies with guaranteed acceptance into LECOM

If you're interested in attending medical school after Alfred University, learn how our pre-med advising can prepare you with an advanced track of courses now.







LECOM与k8彩乐园app官网下载有特殊的提前录取计划,授予合格的学生临时提前接受LECOM的骨科医学院. 应用程序 to the EAP is separate from the application to the undergraduate school.

A student may apply for EAP consideration as a high school senior. While current undergraduate students may apply, they should contact the prehealth advisor at their school to see if they qualify. 学生必须在k8彩乐园app官网下载第三年开始前提交问询表.


  • 该项目的LECOM阶段可以在宾夕法尼亚州的伊利、宾夕法尼亚州的格林斯堡或佛罗里达州的布雷登顿完成. Students enrolled in the EAP may be exempt from taking the 称MCAT. An AACOMAS application will not be required.
  • 学生必须在本科院校开始第三年之前获得EAP的临时录取通知书. 在完成四年的本科学习并达到一定的GPA和其他要求后, 他们于次年7月进入LECOM. LECOM graduates receive a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree.


学生可以通过以下链接申请参加EAP“提前录取计划查询” 我的LECOM门户. LECOM将审核申请. Student must meet the requirements to be successful.


  • 一定是U.S. citizen or permanent resident (international students may apply to Pharmacy);
  • Must not hold a bachelor’s degree or higher;
  • Must have at least two years remaining as a full-time student at Alfred University;
  • 在2016年3月1日之前参加的一次SAT成绩(数学和语言推理)大于或等于1170分, 在2016年3月1日之后的单次考试中,SAT成绩达到1240分或更高,或者在单次考试中,ACT综合成绩大于等于26分;
  • 高中平均成绩3分.5对4.0级或更高.
  • 已经就读k8彩乐园app官网下载的学生必须至少有3的累积总GPA.2,理科平均绩点3.1或更高


如果学生符合要求, LECOM将为学生提供EAP面试日期列表,以便学生自行安排面试.


成功的面试之后, LECOM将通知学生,他们有资格获得LECOM的临时录取通知书,并在k8彩乐园app官网下载批准他们的选择并将他们的学校电子邮件地址提交给LECOM后,他们将被登记参加EAP. 的 student and Alfred will then be sent the provisional letter of acceptance.


额外的需求, including a final application to LECOM, must be met for final acceptance to LECOM, 但不需要再进行一次面试.

Students aspiring to be medical doctors generally share the following characteristics:

  • Care deeply about other people, their problems, and their pain;
  • Use their skills and 知识 to help people;
  • Enjoy learning and gaining new understanding;
  • Are interested in how the human body functions;
  • Are intrigued by the ways in which medicine can be used to improve life.

An osteopathic physician (DO) considers the whole person, 包括物理, 情感, 精神成分. 他们还使用一种实际操作的诊断和治疗系统,称为整骨疗法. 他们与病人合作,帮助每个人保持健康, and they can specialize in any medical field, practice the full scope of modern medicine, 完成重要的医学研究, 向决策者提供建议, and contribute to societal health and well-being in many ways.

Allopathic medicine refers to modern scientific systems of medicine, 例如使用药理学活性剂或物理干预来治疗或抑制疾病或病症的症状或病理生理过程. 对抗疗法医师(MD)的职责是多种多样的,主要与保持健康有关, 包括预防性和急症护理. Allopathic physicians practice in various different specialty areas. 的y may also dedicate their career to teaching or research.

  • 时间轴 - Students should refer to Alfred University's Pre-健康时间表 and Premed Curriculum Checklist (below) to assist them in career planning.
  • College 主要 and Required 课程s - 的re is no specific major that is required, 或者说,这是“最好的”追求. Medical schools are looking for well-educated and well-rounded individuals. 学生应完成医学预科课程工作表,以确保他们符合所有要求.
  • 的 称MCAT - Most medical schools require the Medical College 招生 Test (称MCAT). 的 usual time to take it is in the spring semester of the Junior year. 由于医学院的入学竞争激烈,因此为这项考试做好充分的准备是必不可少的.
  • Extracurricular activities are a very important part of the applicant's materials. Most medical schools place emphasis on volunteer community service. Some volunteer experience in a medical setting is a must. 本科研究优先考虑.
  • 了解教员是很重要的,这样他们才能写合适的推荐信. 的 Pre-健康 Professions Advisory Committee at Alfred University can prepare a Pre-Medical Committee Letter for students.

大多数医学院通过美国医学院申请服务中心接受申请. 这份申请应该在你大学最后一年之前的夏天提交,可以从网站下载 amca 网站.


执业医师分为两种:对抗疗法(MD)和整骨疗法(DO)。. 他们都是有执照的医生, train in diagnosing and treating illnesses and disorders, 在提供预防保健方面. Osteopathic medicine is a distinctive form of medical practice in the United States. 整骨疗法医生使用现代医学可用的所有工具和技术,并具有整体哲学和实践诊断和治疗系统的附加好处. 我们是否强调通过健康教育来帮助每个人达到高水平的健康, injury prevention and disease prevention. 对抗疗法是通过药物或手术治疗疾病的“经典医学”. 考虑跟随对抗疗法和整骨疗法医生,同时申请这两所医学院.


重要的是,你要选择一个能反映你最大学术兴趣的专业,而不是你认为对医学院有好处的专业. Choose a major you are passionate about! It is not a requirement or a benefit to major in a science.

的 minimum course requirements for most U.S. medical schools are listed below with their AU equivalent courses. 请检查 AAMC |学生 & 居民.

复选框 课程 非盟等效
英语 英格兰101年
英语 英格兰102年
心理学 PSYC 101或PSYC 118
社会学 110年的社会
Math/Statistics (requirements vary by school)
复选框 课程 非盟等效
微积分我 数学151
数学或统计学 MATH 152; 381; BIOL 226; POLS/SOCI 330; PSYC 220
复选框 课程 非盟等效
物理我 物理111或125
物理二世 物理112或126
复选框 课程 非盟等效
普通化学I 化学105
普通化学II 化学106
有机化学I 化学315
有机化学II 化学316
复选框 课程 非盟等效
Biological Foundations (requirement for 生物学 sequence) 杂志150年
细胞生物学 杂志211年
结构与功能 杂志213年
生物化学 杂志420年

Additional Required or Relevant 课程work

Some medical schools require or recommend additional coursework, e.g., in anatomy and physiology, genetics or ethics.


医学院非常强调你的临床医学接触和病人护理, 包括当影子的时间, 在诊所工作, 以及其他以病人为中心的设置. Engaging in direct patient interaction (i.e., transporting patients, serving as a medical translator, etc.) will greatly enhance your experience. While there is no set number of hours for this experience, a common guideline is to attempt to gain 500 hours before you apply. Again, this is just a suggestion and by no means a required amount. Instead of focusing on the number of hours, 相反,你应该专注于体验的类型以及对你和你所服务的病人的好处.


Successful medical school applicants are able to demonstrate skills, 知识, and abilities in these areas: service orientation, 社会技能, 文化能力, 团队合作, 口头交流, ethical responsibility to self and others, 可靠性和可靠性, 弹性和适应性, 以及改进的能力.


的 newly revised 称MCAT has 4 sections: Molecular, cellular and organismal properties of living systems; Physical, chemical and biochemical properties of living systems; Social and behavioral sciences principles; and Critical analysis and reasoning skills. 因此,建议你在完成所有的预健康要求后再参加称MCAT. 的 称MCAT is usually taken during the summer after the junior year.


在大四前的夏天在amca网站上提交申请材料. 预健康咨询委员会将根据您收到的推荐信撰写一封复合信,并将其放入CDC的预健康档案中. An interview is required by the Committee in order to write your letter.


k8彩乐园app官网下载有一个特殊的提前录取计划,授予合格的学生一个临时提前接受LECOM的骨科医学院. A student may apply for EAP consideration as a high school senior. 当前的本科生必须在大二结束前申请录取.
