Center for Glass Innovation

Together creating the future of glass.

The Center for Glass Innovation (CGI) was established at the New York State College of Ceramics to develop next generation glass materials and improve glass manufacturing processes to optimize material performance for industrial and government applications. A significant emphasis of the CGI is on developing new high-performance materials, low-cost feedstock alternatives, and energy efficient manufacturing processes that result in a reduction of the glass manufacturing industry’s carbon footprint.



Performing applied research to develop or improve glass compositions and glass-making processes that will lead to a more secure, 经济, and environmentally sustainable glass industry.

CGI Activities 

  • Development research – new  products 
  • Applied research – existing products 
  • Processes – better, cheaper, faster,  more energy-efficient 
  • Technology transfer –  commercialization 
  • Workforce development –  developing technical workers to  support NYS growth


  • Funds are pooled and allocated to  projects based on the direction of the  membership. 
  • 研究 ideas will be presented to  the BoD and they will pick from that  list or formulate their own research  agenda. 
  • 研究 will be pre-competitive,  applied research and eligible for CACT作业者  cost match for that portion that is  funded by NYS companies.

Self Directed Funds 

  • Funds that remain at the discretion of the  individual members. 
  • Members can direct funds to specific projects  of interest. 
  • Members can create ad hoc collaborative  projects (supplemental projects). 
  • Members can roll self-directed funds over the  to the next year.

Analytical Services

  • Members receive analytical services at a  discounted rate. 
  • Service could include business services such  as market analysis or continuous improvement projects. 
  • Members may use current year Self Directed Funds for additional services. 
  • Analytical services may be converted to  Self-Directed Funds at the end of the year.

Technology Innovation 

  • Basic research – not eligible  for CACT作业者 cost share. 
  • Alfred University faculty  compete for this funding by  submitting proposals to the  membership who vote on  the projects chosen. 
  • 研究 will be published.

Program Funding

  • Used for promoting and  supporting glass research and  industry. 
  • K-12 STEM outreach. 
  • Workforce development. 
  • Grant writing.

Potential Supplemental Funding Streams

  • Federal Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs)
  • Federal Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs)
  • SBIR/STTR Subcontracts/Subawards 
  • Manufacturing USA Institutes (REMADE, CESMII, etc.)
  • NYS Agencies (NYSERDA, NYSTAR, ESDC) • Federal Capital Funding (MRI, DURIP)
  • Goal: Annual Supplemental Funding of $1.5M


John SimminsJohn Simmins
Director, 研究 Promotion Economic Development



David GottfriedDavid Gottfried
Deputy Director Business Development



Related Information

Center for Advanced Ceramic Technology

Infrastructure for Technical Ceramics/Glass Development

Materials 研究 Resources and Capabilities