
An Analysis from a Communication Ethics Perspective
Alfred University Senior Paper, May 2000

Michael Pellicciotti著



Initiation is an important part of forming a group. It gives new 成员s a sense of belonging, 它在整个群体中建立共同的经验,并在他们之间设定执行所必需的规范. 这也是获得组织认可的一个重要方面(Driver, 1998)。. Not every form of initiation is hazing. Communitas is the ultimate goal of initiation. 它是社区精神、平等和新成员团结的原因(Myers, 2000)。. "This Communitas is the central positive function of initiation rituals...精心构建的入会仪式可以在群体中发挥建设性作用”(Myers, 2000)。. 这是一个由三个部分组成的过程,入会的人与其他人分开, 鉴于信息, 通常秘密, and go through some ritual and become a 成员 of the group (Myers, 2000). 通过了这个门槛阶段之后, the period between being introduced to the organization and becoming a full, 成员, the individual has completed initiation (Myers, 2000).


When initiation activities promote or "produce mental or physical discomfort, 尴尬, 骚扰, 或嘲笑,“欺侮发生了(欺侮的定义, 2000). k8彩乐园app官网下载欺侮研究(1999)将欺辱定义为“任何人加入一个侮辱人的团体所期望的任何行为”, 降解, 滥用或危害, regardless of the person's willingness to participate." This paper will examine the causes and effects of hazing in sports and Greek life.


新成员的入会是成为一个组织的新成员必不可少的一部分. Although the intention behind hazing may be positive, 它与发起新成员的目的是对立的,也没有成功地实现这一目的.


All organizations need new 成员s to continue. “欺侮让年长的成员放心,新来的人重视群体中的成员身份”(Nuwer, 1999)。. 这些新入职的人比没有受到影响的人更有可能使组织保持老成员离开时的样子(Nuwer), 1999).

入会过程可以分为专门为达到某一目的而设计的欺侮活动. 例如, a fraternity or sorority may require push-ups, 大喊大叫, 或者在公开场合,个人承诺惩罚或“塑造”那些“被认为拖累团体或不尊重”的新成员(为什么欺侮不起作用), 2000). 一个组织也可能对整个入会团体有过度的身体或精神要求,以灌输入会阶级的团结, 或者在入会前或“地狱”一周进行剧烈的身体和精神活动,以“为入会计划创造高潮,或者培养对入会的真正欣赏”(《迪士尼3彩乐园》), 2000). 那些为欺侮辩护的人称赞它能给环境增加秩序和结构. The following are statements by those who support its use:

“欺侮教会了我谦卑自己, 听从权威, (并且)与几个人的互动比大多数人与最好的朋友的互动更亲密, 兄弟姐妹或家人. 最重要的是, 欺侮教会了我自己的极限,让我超越了自己必须克服的极限. It taught me to me [sic] mentally and physically resourceful, both by myself and with others" (Prohazing Email Comments, 2000).

“必须有秩序. 必须有结构. 必须有纪律. Paper-working people to death only kills trees, 比起那些可能让自己陷入无法处理的情况的人的呜咽,哪一个更值得关注呢, 或者有这个能力, but lack of motivation to use it effectively to a positive end. What you loosely define as 'hazing' is not evil, nor is it morally wrong. It is something that should be administered well, and administered often" (Prohazing Email Comments, 2000).

The purpose of fraternities, sororities, and sports teams is to form a union. 为了使一个组织作为一个团队有效地工作,启动必须发展团结. 有些人认为这是这些群体发展统一的一种方式.


Despite the purposes of hazing, there are negative results from its use. 被欺侮 tends to give the participants a type of commonality, they have gone through an experience together and made it (Cerio, 2000). 在这个过程中, 然而, 欺侮是一种高度的虐待行为,一个人这样做是为了从一个群体中晋升到下一个层次. “秘密在于,如果你没有经历过,你就无法理解”(Cerio, 2000). This secrecy is what leads to many of the negative hazing effects. "It gives the significance of the ritual. The person hazing is in complete control. You are absolutely their captive" (Pollard, 2000).

欺侮最明显的副作用是创伤后应激障碍(Pollard, 2000)。. “造成欺侮的因素为[创伤后应激障碍]提供了肥沃的土壤”(波拉德), 2000). "You have an idea that something is going to occur but you don't know how, 什么时候结束, 或者会发生什么. You don't know what you need to do to make it stop" (Pollard, 2000).

There are other dangerous psychological effects from hazing. "At the extreme, people after hazing suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. More particularly, those who go through hazing and fail...go through those issues of self-esteem and anxiety" (Cerio, 2000). 还有一些负面问题与欺侮期间的亲子关系有关. The process of hazing separates the parent from the child (Cerio, 2000).

Because of these effects, there is a double message in hazing. 新成员被告知他们是需要的,并且会成为团队中有价值的一员. 与此同时, 然而, 那些欺侮者正在尽其所能激怒提升者并使他们受苦(波拉德), 2000). Those hazing are saying that "we want you, but at the same time we'll treat you less than human" (Pollard, 2000).

被欺侮 also causes negative reactions to the purposes behind their actions. 文章前面提供的例子强调了新成员为了达到团结和纪律等目的而对身体和精神的过度要求,这也违背了入会的意图(为什么欺辱不起作用), 2000). 例如, 要求俯卧撑, 大喊大叫, or public 尴尬s for a particular, new 成员 can lead to only a temporary suppression of a disciplinary problem. 一旦承诺被发起, 他或她不太可能继续为组织的最佳利益而工作(为什么欺侮不起作用), 2000). 这种针对整个新成员群体的纪律也会产生负面影响. It develops an attitude that pledging is a hardship, 不是教育时期, 入会是一个人为组织工作的结束,而不是开始. 这可能会造成普遍缺乏参与或对成员的兴趣(为什么欺侮不起作用, 2000).

对于想要发展团结的新成员群体,如果在身体上或精神上要求过高,就会导致群体内部出现分裂,从而无法形成真正统一的组织. 小组里的老成员总是和新成员分开(为什么欺侮不起作用, 2000). 也, 入会前或“地狱”周的艰苦项目和活动让新成员乐于完成入会承诺, 不荣幸成为入会会员. "The climax really arrives when the pre-initiation week ends, not when initiation begins" (为什么欺侮不起作用, 2000).


People engaged in hazing usually accept its effects. 一个拒绝接受欺侮的新成员通常被认为是离经叛道的人(尽管这是不公平的), according to researchers in group behavior" (Nuwer, 1999). Through the socialization process that students face throughout their development, they are unlikely to help someone in a crisis. This is especially true if a group is attacking an individual (Nuwer, 1999).

It all stems from a need to be accepted. 团体心理学家欧文. Janis explained hazing by recognizing that people need to be valued by their peers. 被欺侮 allows for this acceptance and it is hard for outsiders, 尤其是学校管理者, 理解这一点”(努尔), 1999).


欺侮可能是出于善意. 欺侮的最终目的, 以及任何形式的入会仪式, is to bring new 成员s into a group and develop unity in the group. 然而,欺侮的负面影响并不允许社区的真正发展. 社区精神, 平等, and togetherness for new 成员s does not develop when individuals feel violated, 骚扰, or unequal to other 成员s of the group. A group can develop unity through acceptable forms of initiations like, 季前训练, keeping a specific grade point average, 团队活动着装, attending a team roast or skit night, 做社区服务, 去野餐, or completing a ropes course (Alfred University, 1999). For an initiation to be successful in achieving its purpose, 它必须考虑到新成员的教育,同时让他们体验到共同之处,并发展作为同一组织成员的联系. 只有这样,启蒙运动才能达到产生一个统一团体的最终目的.


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